Tag Archives: republicans

A Failure to Prioritize: Paul Ryan wrong VP nominee for Republicans in 2012

Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan is the wrong choice for the Republican Party’s Vice Presidential nominee in 2012. His selection is simply a continuation of the Republican Party’s failure to recognize the severity of our current malaise — and if Ryan’s selection shifts the national conversation from the economy to entitlement reform, Romney is doomed in […]

Andrew Sullivan and the out-of-whack GOP: He helped build that, now he should help fix it

Andrew Sullivan’s latest essay is impressive in scope, yet woefully incomplete. I concur that the GOP faces internal trouble far more severe than most conservatives would acknowledge, but there’s more to the story. There are plenty of reasons conservatives should oppose Barack Obama in November, and it’s disappointing that Sullivan, who spent years building the theoretical foundations […]

‘Til the Fever Breaks

I wanted to write a scathing critique of Andrew Sullivan’s essay from today. It was full of his customarily tiresome hackery — and the almost unbearable allusions to our current president as the cure to our present woes. But I can’t. Because at bottom, he’s correct. There is something fundamentally wrong about conservatism today — […]