I made an appearance on HuffPo Live last evening. We chatted about Obama’s successes (and lack thereof) from his first term, what it means to be a successful president, and — my favorite took shots at Alec Baldwin. Here’s the video: HuffPo Live

You’ll find my bylines at the Daily Beast. For just my articles, click here.

Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan is the wrong choice for the Republican Party’s Vice Presidential nominee in 2012. His selection is simply a continuation of the Republican Party’s failure to recognize the severity of our current malaise — and if Ryan’s selection shifts the national conversation from the economy to entitlement reform, Romney is doomed in […]

The chief problem facing the Republican Party is a leadership incapable of understanding the plight of their fellow Americans. A lack of empathy may damage the GOP’s political prospects in November, but the real damage is to the conservative movement — and our polity. Pundits and politicians are enraged that Andrea Saul, the chief press […]

Andrew Sullivan’s latest essay is impressive in scope, yet woefully incomplete. I concur that the GOP faces internal trouble far more severe than most conservatives would acknowledge, but there’s more to the story. There are plenty of reasons conservatives should oppose Barack Obama in November, and it’s disappointing that Sullivan, who spent years building the theoretical foundations […]

As a lifelong fan of a school with a fan base with a similar degree of fanaticism as Penn State, the actions (and resulting coverup) that occurred in Happy Valley are eerily concerning. They took down Joe Paterno’s statue this weekend, and don’t be surprised to see his name quietly taken off the school library […]

Jared Sichel, a fellow writer at NextGen Journal (which I will no longer be affiliated with due to their refusal to publish this simple rebuttal), has written a column urging people to “Put the Pitchforks Down” and not end football at Penn State University. He writes, “The ‘football program’ didn’t rape anyone and the ‘football […]

To badly paraphrase our 32nd president, June 15, 2012 will be a ‘date which will live in infamy.’ But don’t worry, it’s not because of President Barack Obama’s landmark and thoroughly novel decision to give de-facto legal status (albeit a temporary and uncertain one) to at least 800,000 undocumented immigrants. Along the way, he took […]

Some books are quite good – yet simply aren’t satisfying. Such is the case with Charles Mann’s “1493: Uncovering the New World Columbus Created,” a sweeping history of the Columbian Exchange. Mann’s book, as the title suggests, examines what happened when the Old World collided with the New. And it’s a fascinating story. (Mann’s earlier […]

I wanted to write a scathing critique of Andrew Sullivan’s essay from today. It was full of his customarily tiresome hackery — and the almost unbearable allusions to our current president as the cure to our present woes. But I can’t. Because at bottom, he’s correct. There is something fundamentally wrong about conservatism today — […]